What To Expect at EcoFest 2024 In Tampa
Earth Day is here and there is no better way to celebrate Mother Earth than at the 14th Annual EcoFest. EcoFest 2024 will be held on the grounds of the Museum of Science and Industry(MOSI) on Fowler Ave. in Tampa on Saturday, April 20 from 10a-3p. It is a totally free event with safe, friendly, family fun for everyone.
EcoFest 2024 has partnered to be the Official Earth Day Event for the City of Tampa and the University of South Florida. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever! There will be tons of various vendors and a bunch of food trucks on hand.
2024 will be the 54th year the United States recognizes Earth Day. It all started when then-Senator Gaylord Nelson, the junior senator from Wisconsin, led the effort for an “Earth Day” to draw attention to environmental issues that the United States and the world were facing. The first Earth Day was held on April of 1970, thus giving birth to the modern environmentalist movement.
The History of EcoFest in Tampa
In Tampa, EcoFest is presented by Learning Gate Community School in North Tampa. Michele Northrup, the Develop Director at Learning Gate Community School says “Learning Gate Community School is excited to partner again with MOSI to celebrate Earth Day Tampa Bay at Ecofest! We hope to inspire attendees to make eco-friendly choices and develop a deeper appreciation of the natural world and the importance of preserving it for future generations.”
According to Northrup and Tampa.Gov, “EcoFest is dedicated to the principles of Sustainability, Ecology, Equity, and Economy”. This year’s EcoFest event promises live music and entertainment, demonstrations, informational booths, and green living products.
But, local vendors aren’t all you’ll see. There will be organic farms and gardens with fresh produce, alternative health practitioners, renewable energy specialists, and various green businesses on hand.
What You’ll See From Learning Gate Community School At EcoFest 2024:
This year’s booth from Learning Gate Community School for EcoFest 2024 will be quite different. It will highlight their solar power station project, aimed at keeping the school’s chickens and bunnies cool this summer and storing their seeds in a refrigerator to prevent mold.
Learning Gate Community School is currently seeking local support to make this project a reality. “At our booth students will demonstrate solar power using their hand-built solar cars and solar ovens, showcase solar shed designs, and provide a shopping list of the components needed for the solar power station.” Said Northrup.
Visitors can also view videos and photos of students building and using their solar cars and ovens, and students will be available to explain the project in detail. Join us in promoting sustainable energy solutions at Ecofest.
For more information: Email ecofest@learninggate.org or call (813)948-4190 extension 313 or check out the event on Facebook