Tampa Not On List of 3 Cities For Blue Angels Fly Overs Saturday
The Blue Angels have announced 3 cities they will fly over on Saturday. Tampa is not one of them. In a tweet last night, the Blue Angels posted that they’ll fly over Baltimore, Washington DC, and Atlanta Saturday. It’s all part of an effort to thank the country’s healthcare workers and first responders for their efforts during the coronavirus crisis.
Baltimore, D.C. and Atlanta - we are heading your way this Saturday! Check back Friday for routes and overhead times. Stay home and stay safe!@StateMaryland @washingtondc @georgiagov#AmericaStrong #InThisTogether #HealthcareHeroes pic.twitter.com/FXOJMQ1PO5
— Blue Angels (@BlueAngels) April 29, 2020
Earlier this week, Channel 8 says a Tampa city representative alerted them that a fly over would happen here in Tampa Bay Saturday. No route or time was given. Then just one day later, MacDill Air Force Base posted to their Facebook page that Tampa is not confirmed for an appearance. So what happened? Did Mayor Jane Castor’s team leak info too soon? Will there be a surprise visit? Was there never a scheduled appearance in the first place? There does not seem to be a clear answer.
The cities chosen so far were picked because they were hardest hit by the virus. Given that criteria, if Florida was going to get a visit, it would likely be Miami and Fort Lauderdale since they have seen things get a lot worse than we have here in the Tampa area.
A look at the Blue Angels website shows only two upcoming Florida appearances in 2020, both in Pensacola. The first will be the Pensacola Beach Air Show July 11. They’ll be back October 16 and 17 for the Blue Angels Homecoming Show. Last month a scheduled appearance at MacDill had to be called off due to the coronavirus spread. [Source: Channel 8]