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Florida Getaway Crowned One of the Most Romantic Anywhere

If you want a romantic getaway, Florida has some great options. I personally think nothing is more romantic than a Florida sunset, or any sunset, really. Now, one Florida getaway has been crowned one of the most romantic in the U.S. by travel experts. I have to say that even the name of this place is super romantic, so it's a fit. Florida Getaway is One of the Most Romantic in the U.S. The travel experts at TimeOut.com have put together a study on the most romantic spots in America, and one Florida getaway made the cut. What makes this tally extra special is that all of these spots are outdoors, because, really, there's nothing more romantic than being outside in the sunshine with your sweetheart. I love being outdoors, so I'm definitely looking to travel to a few of the places mentioned. "Love may have no bounds, but there sure are many romantic places to remind us how much we adore our special someone," TimeOut.com mentions in the story. "Indulge your love language of quality time by taking a trip to the most romantic places in the U.S." Before we get to Florida, I have to say that I was surprised by the No. 1 most romantic location in the U.S., as determined by these travel experts. It's Antelope Canyon, Arizona. This place, which is 4,000 feet above sea level, looks super cool, but I wouldn't really call it romantic. They promise that it "offers picture-perfect panoramas for lovestruck outdoorsy folks," which does sound cool. "Formed by the erosion of Navajo Sandstone due to wind, water and time, the photogenic slot canyon is the perfect backdrop for sweet snaps thanks to its deep corridors, smooth edges, and 'flowing' sandstone," they note. But, access is by permit only, so plan ahead and get legit. As for the Florida getaway crowned one of the most romantic in the U.S., it's Honeymoon Island State Park, which is actually No. 2 on this tally. It's pretty awesome to think that Florida has the second most romantic place to spend time in America. Honeymoon Island State Park was actually named after a 1939 "LIFE" magazine contest, where newlyweds won a honeymoon vacation to the island. "No matter if you soak up the sun on Honeymoon Island State Park’s four miles of pristine, white sand beaches, take a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand on a nature trail through a pine forest, or admire wildlife like ospreys and gopher tortoises." Add some fresh flowers, and I'm there. Watching the sunset on St. Pete Beach is another romantic activity in Florida, by the way. [select-listicle listicle_id="727046" syndication_name="ways-to-be-instantly-more-attractive-in-the-dating-game" description="no"]

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