How To Get 2 Free Trees If You Live in Tampa
The City of Tampa is giving away 1,000 trees next weekend. They are offering two free trees per household. On May 6, residents can pick up one of 6 varieties of trees, including Red Maple, Bald Cypress, Buttonwood, Red Cedar, Sweetbay Magnolia, and Southern Magnolia. To get your first choice, show up early because it’s first come first serve. The trees will be given out starting at 8AM at Sulphur Springs Park at 715 East Bird Street in Tampa.
(City of Tampa)
There are some things to remember. Trees need to be planted at least 10 feet from
underground utilities like water and sewer lines. They also should be kept at least 30 feet away from electrical lines. The city recommends you call 811 before you dig a spot for your new tree.
You do need to live within the Tampa city limits to get your free trees. They’ll ask you to show some form of proof. Also keep in mind your tree will be up to 8 feet tall, so plan your drive accordingly. There will be staff members on hand to help you load your tree into your vehicle. You do need to register in advance for this.
Top 10 Cities People LEFT Tampa To Move To In 2022
We hear all the time about the number of people moving to Tampa. While longtime locals wish it would stop, it won’t. Sure the hurricanes scare some but take it from this northerner who moved to Florida 10 years ago… for the second time. Life in the frigid north is miserable. Snow looks cute on postcards, but when your toes are frozen for 4 months straight and you have to spend an hour shoveling out your car to get to work on time, it’s not as cute.
There are people, however, leaving Tampa behind. That number is much smaller than those coming in. But I was curious to see where those who are ready to leave Tampa behind are moving to. Here are the numbers for 2022 according to Redfin for both the cities folks are moving to AND leaving to come to Tampa.
Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.