Hangover-Free Synthetic Alcohol Is Currently In Development
Imagine going out for a few drinks without having a hangover the following day, that is the dream of Imperial College London’s director of the neuropsychopharmacology unit David Nutt.
Nutt has helped to develop 90 compounds that will make you feel tipsy but won’t give you dry mouth, headaches or nausea.
Nutt originally predicted that his synthetic alcohol would replace traditional alcohol by 2050, but it looks like you could be drinking it in the next five years.
It’s said that Alcarelle, the name he’s given to his synthetic creation, won’t cause the health issues that traditional alcohol causes.
Though he’s already tried mixing his product with juices, he’s looking forward to seeing what professional mixologists will create with his product.
Do you think you would drink more or about the same if synthetic alcohol was on the market? What is the worst hangover you’ve ever had?