Universal Orlando Announces Mardi Gras 2022 Dates
The bead are back! The latest news from Universal Orlando is the dates for the 2022 Mardi Gras.
They’re calling it the “loudest, wildest blowout this side of the Bayou.”
Universal Orlando announced the return of Mardi Gras in 2022… “lounder, spicier and better than ever”. Mardi Gras will run from February 5 through April 24. It’s a family-friendly version, and it brings back the fan-favorite experiences to Universal Studios Florida.
Look for the nighttime parade and concerts on selected nights. The Cajun-style cuisine will be available every day, along with flavors from aroudn the world throughout the park and at Universal’s hotels.
We’ll bring you the concert lineup and a list of the food and drink offerings as soon as they are revealed.
[Source: Universal Orlando]
Q105 Events at Coachman Park Over The Years
We’ve had some good times at Coachman Park over the years!